Although my newest addition is already five months old, I know there are plenty of new babies in the oven ready to be welcomed into the world. I wanted to share the passages of Scripture, quotes and encouragement that sustained me through my natural delivery. It is not an easy task to give birth to a child, nor is it something we can do on our own strength. I believe the Word supplies us with much needed sustaining grace to enable a mother to proceed through labor and delivery. My encouragement for all you mom-to-be’s is to take a few hours or a day off in preparation for your new arrival to prepare your heart for labor. I have done this prior to both my deliveries and it has been amazingly beneficial. Just go to a coffee shop, sit by a river, lake or stream, and meditate upon the Word. Write out your fears and pray through each one. Ask the Lord to prepare your heart. He is so faithful to do so! I pray these truths would be an encouragement and blessing to all you expectant mothers!
Preparing for Birth
I find more often than not, that many mothers experience fear about going through labor. We may fear the pain, or we may fear complications. It is extremely beneficial to mediate on these Scriptures to help conquer those fears. Truth be told, where fear exists there is more risk of complications. Fear tenses our bodies and makes it very difficult to relax…an important detail in allowing our baby to progress down the birth channel. I encourage you to take any fear directly to the Lord and cast it at His feet.
Philippians 4:6-7 – “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (NLT)
2 Cor. 12:9 - “My grace is enough; it is all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become!” (NLT)
Further meditation: 1 Peter 5:7, Isaiah 26:3 as written below.
I found the NLT spoke to me powerfully about the reality of God’s grace. It is enough for me! Rather than worrying, reflect on all those things you are thankful for. He has blessed you with a child! A true gift from God! When we fully give up our own will and strength, that is when Christ’s grace and sustaining grace will truly be evident and powerfully effect us.
“Birth is God’s time. It can’t be rushed or programmed to suit anyone’s clock. It is a time to simply be there, respecting the woman’s space and the natural rhythms of her body. Think of how time ceases to have relevance when you are caught up in the presence of God worshipping Him or when you are in love and spending time with your beloved. Time flies by and you barely notice. Birth time is the timing of nature. Who knows when spring will come? Can a budding flower be found open? Yet in time, these things unfold. So does birth. I sometimes suggest to my clients that they visit the ocean and see the rhythm of the waves on the shore. That right there teaches you, deep within, so much about the patterns, rhythms and power of labor.” – Julie Bell
Reflect upon the blessings of children!
Psalms 127:3 – “Children are a blessing from the Lord; the fruit of the womb a reward.” Don’t fret over the changes, the upcoming sacrifices, but rather rejoice in the gift and the Giver!
Deut. 28:4 – “Blessed shall be the offspring of your body and the produce of your ground and the offspring of your beasts, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock.”
Reflect upon His beautiful workmanship!
Psalms 139:13-14 “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.”
Giving Birth
Isaiah 26:3 – “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you.” Keep your mind on Jesus and the peace that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:7). Focus your mind during your labor…do not let it stray to focus on the pain and process, but rather on Jesus and His sustaining grace. This verse really spoke to me while preparing for my birth. I memorized it and quoted it to myself throughout the most challenging moments of my delivery. It was such a blessing.
1 Peter 5:7 – “Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.”
Faith and Perseverance
Hebrews 11:1 “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen, it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.”
Proverbs 3:34 “The Lord mocks the mockers but is gracious to the humble.” The Lord blesses those who put their trust in Him, not depending upon their own strength, but humbly acknowledging their Source!
Hebrews 10:35-36 - “So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! [A baby!] Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised.” (NLT)
I am walking in God’s will when I demonstrate patience! It brings great reward! My little one is coming!
James 1:3-4 “For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” (NLT)
This birth is one means of God working to grow me in maturity and endurance. I will be stronger in my faith if I rely completely upon Him to accomplish His good work.
Psalm 40:1 – “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and He turned to me and heard my cry.”
Psalm 119:165 - “Those who love Your law have great peace and do not stumble.” Store up the truth!
This final poem was a blessing to read as I prepared and welcomed my new little one!
Gift from God
I give thanks to You alone
Who sits on the throne
To loan me this precious gift
And to call it my own.
May I always see, Lord
In every waking hour,
Your majesty and grace
In this delicate flower.
Help me, O God,
To guide and preserve,
This wonderful blessing
to love and to serve.
-Doran Richards
For further encouragement, I strongly recommend the Christian Childbirth Handbook. It was a huge blessing to me! The poem and quote above by Julie Bell were found originally in this book.
The Lord is kind to prompt me to take one last day to spiritually prepare for this upcoming blessing that is coming in January. This morning as I began adding scriptures to my favorites for access to my husband and I on our first born’s birth-day I came across additional scriptures on your website. It was a personal encouragement to me from The Lord and I felt his intimate leading and provision as a result. Additional verses I wrote down this morning…
Isaiah 43 – when you pass through the waters I will be with you
Isaiah 41:10 – do not fear I hold you by my right hand
Psalm 55:2 – cast your cares on God, he will sustain you
Psalm 46 – God is an ever present help in trouble…there is a river that makes glad the city of God.
Thank you!
Psalm 55:22
Thank you for this encouragement! I am expecting and especially needed this today. I will definitely write down these Scripture verses to refer back to and be encouraged by God’s Word.
I’m expecting my new baby nw may the Almighty lord grant my wife safe delivery
In good health for the baby and the mother Oh Lord me hours remain nw.
What a great message. I’m pregnant with my first gift from God and just now saw now my body is changing. Psalms 127:3 is an uplifter. Thank you!
My wife is in labor and I stumbled upon this. Thank you for providing some encouraging reminders of truth!
thanks for your post hoping it will help me next month i am expecting.
God bless you.
Thanks for sharing. I have been looking for nuggets of truth to help me through labor!
Thank you for sharing these. I had a pack of note cards with other scriptures I’ve been going over in preparation for our birth and I love the verses you shared so I can add to my cards of truth. I saw your son’s photo. We also plan to name our son Titus. I’m looking forward to tackling this birth with all the truths of God’s word giving me strength.
Thank you so much for this post! My husband and I will welcome our son in a little over a month, and this morning I asked the LORD to direct me to specific scriptures for labor and delivery. This is so helpful and encouraging!! Thank you for sharing faithfully!
Lindsay, I am due one week from today and in my time with the Lord today felt that He was telling me to memorize some scripture for labor. I, too, and delivering naturally. This post really encouraged me and I wrote a few verses from it on cards to start memorizing. Then I saw that your son’s name is Titus. My husband and I named our son Titus over 7 months ago. It is also interesting that you and I share a name
Jesus is funny and so faithful. – Lyndsey
Thank you so much for this wonderful page. I am so grateful to have spent my time and energy in full body and soul reading the amazing scripture verses. I know I will remember these words of encouragement as I progress into labor. I am 38 weeks and 4 days, eagerly waiting to give birth to our first child. Besides being completely happy and cheerful, I admit I have been very anxious and worried and even disappointed at many times during the term of my pregnancy, but I kept holding on to my faith and I know for sure that He will take care of everything for He knows our needs even before we ask.
Thank you once again for the heartwarming verses to fill the soul in this time of anxiety.
God bless!
Thank You for the wonderful post, I really need scriptures to hold on to during the upcoming birth (preggies with my third). You see, I have had 2 c-section with my two girls, they were planned because I guess back then I was so fearful of the birthing process, I could not imagine myself going naturally, also, I did not have the relationship with the Lord like I have today. Today it would have been no problem for me as I trust in God for everything, however, I truly believe that God gave us the advanced technology and expertise to be able to experience alternatives. In no way do I feel less of a woman (mommy) from having c-sections. I love breastfeeding and have done so with both my girls. Being able to hold that little miracle in your arms is when you really experience the love of God and the blessings he has bestowed upon you. But I have to say…respect….to the ladies who have gone naturally and enjoyed it. I think that must also be a wonderful experience.
Thank you for posting this. I am due within three days and needed something that will give me extra strength for when labor begins. God bless you for helping mothers to look to the Lord instead of false strength and comfort the world offers.
I’m due any day dealing with some severe back pain from my baby girl being sunny side up. I was just spending some quiet time with God telling him my fears and praying through them when I decided to pick my computer and literally google “christian encouragement for pregnant woman.” This Blog post came up and I felt like i hit the jackpot. God is so good. I’m going to print this page out and put it in my hospital bag for my husband to read to me. Thank you again.
Thanks for your web post, its so inspiring & made me feel at peace of going through a C Section birth tomorrow.
Thank you for this post. I follow your blog, but never came across this post in the past. This morning during my quiet time I did a google search on “bible verses for labor and delivery” as I think about preparing for my birth this month – and this popped up. I am so thankful for this encouragement – just exactly what I needed. You are truly a blessing to so many. Thank you for your ministry through this blog.
Today is my due date and still no sweet baby, we are preparing for the necessary inducing of her birth on Monday. As we prepare for her arrival, I prepare my heart for what is in store. This being our first child, my lack of experience provokes fear of this unknown task. Thank you for the encouragement and advice, I’ve written down scripture and some of your words to pin around the hospital room in order to direct my focus on the larger picture; God is the ultimate source. Without him, I wouldn’t even be enabled this blessing. Therefore, all my focus and concentration should be centered around that notion, casting all my anxieties at his feet, and resting in the presence of his comforting arms.
Thank you thank you!!!
A very timely find!
My sister is giving birth this afternoon via CS.
I need to sms her something….
Thanks for this.
This was such an inspiration to me, i’m actually 3 days past my due date with my 2nd son and I found myself losing what little hope I had. I wanted things to come naturally without being to be induced, but this page made me realize I’ve done nothing wrong, and its not in my time but in Gods time. I’m blessed to be a mother for the 2nd time however long it may take. May all of your families remain blessed…..
Thank you to my friend and my daughters midwife Quincy Bates for sharing this powerful insight. We sought the Lord before and during Ambers first birth experience and it was truly an amazing, powerful, sweet, loving experience. I will hold on to these scriptures and meditate on them for my daughters up coming birth as well. Thank you for sharing this nugget with us! Our Lord is worthy to be praised!
I am due with our 3rd child on Sept 1…it’s about 2 weeks away now & I’m finding that I have more fear of negative possibilities with this one than with the previous two. I trust in the Lord though & believe He has amazing plans for this new child in our life! Thank you for putting this list together…it is now printed out & my birth coaches (hubby and mom) will take turns reminding me of these truths as I labor! I can’t wait to see if it’s a boy or a girl…then we get the awesome responsibility of naming him or her! Bless you & your family as you welcome your third child, Eden!
Thank you for adding this link to today’s post. I am going to print this and use it during my time with the Lord. I am due in July with my first. The Lord has blessed us with a healthy pregnancy, and we are going to welcome our little girl into the world at our local birthing center. I have felt for a while that the Lord was leading me toward a natural birthing expereince, and He has been so faithful in flooding me with resourses to help ease my concerns about it. thanks again
What a great post and what a lot of great comments! I am SO glad I googled “encouragement for birth.” I landed here first. I notice the comments span a long period of time, so I guess one more won’t hurt. I just think it’s fantastic that you all are jumping in and encouraging one another! Reading this is so uplifting. I’m expecting my 7th any day. Mine have all been natural and trouble free, and all but one was born at home, as I hope this one will be. Each time I have had more anxiety than the last, just about the labor itself, until I get over the first hurdle of realizing I’m in labor and then I do pretty well relaxing, focusing on the waves (imagining an ocean in my mind), thinking of holding my baby, meditating on scriptures, thinking how excited my other children will be when they meet their new sibling for the first time. But this pregnancy has felt so lonely and scary from the beginning and every day it’s a real struggle to stay focused. Of the few women I do talk to, none of them really understand this fear. (Worse, they think that because I’ve had so many, it should be easier for me!) I really do feel so much better after reading this blog entry and all the comments. I am not alone! Thank you for the encouragement.
Thank you for this post! Very inspiring – Love to find others who believe the same way – especially about child birth!
This so beautiful! I thank God that i found this page
It was so encouraging to read thru these Scriptures and Truths! It is 12:47 in the morning and I just found out we are 4 weeks pregnant with our 9th baby! I am so thrilled and excited, but am dreading the commentary we will receive from our families. We trust God completely for this pregnancy. He has shown Himself so faithful (as my husband lost his job of 10 years this past winter) in the ways He has provided for us, and allowed us to show others His total Sovereignty in our lives. I will need to proactively, every minute of every day, have to think on what is true during this pregnancy, and coming across these Truths was a perfect way to start this pregnancy! Thank you for being willing to let the Lord use you in this way!
Thank you for this lovely montage of rejuvenating scriptures. I am about to have my fourth and am experiencing fears about being able to meet the needs of everybody. Yesterday I had a sweet day of singing some hymns, listening to the epilogue of Les Mis about Taking His hand, and being led to salvation, and remembering some quotes I had heard recently that reminded me not to desire the task to become equal to me, but to become equal to the task, and then I was also led by the spirit to this feast of inspired scriptures you posted and journaled it all down. Many of them were my favorites already which were a treat to re-visit and in them I found insights that were pleasant soul awakeners/strengtheners and helpful insights. This post is so lovely, and from a recent post you have, I know you are working on being a doula….this seems so natural and perfect for your mission! You will be soo good at it. I think you are so wise as you analyze life’ s happenings to question the timing and season of it all, but really look how many people you reach right now in this season of your life, in your blog alone…and I am sure that everything will be clear soon as to God’s will in specific paths, timing, etc. I also loved the quote by Julia Bell was it?
Here are two additional scriptures/quotes that I found in my study, that I’d like to share for others right at the place I am at in relation to your post and the cross roads of birth, to hopefully add to the spirit of this beautiful post….these two principles obeyed can lead to the lovely promise of confidence, and the second quote given that Christ’s grace can make US the miracle.
Doctrine and Covenants 121:45 Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God…”
and this quote by Thomas S. Monson: “My dear sisters, do not pray for tasks equal to your abilities, but pray for abilities equal to your tasks. Then the performance of your tasks will be no miracle, but you will be the miracle.”
(both can be referenced at….and and to explain what Doctrine and Covenants is, it’s a book of scripture to compliment/accompany the Bible and to show that God’s windows of revelation are open to us today in guiding us by His chosen humble leaders, that he still speaks through prophets as in days of old, when Christ is not on the Earth to guide us.)
This is beautiful. Thank you. I was also wondering if you could give me more information about where you go the quote below from. I would like to use it in an essay I am writing but wanted to site something more than “Julie Bell”. Did you get this out of a conversation with her? A book? A post? Any other information would be helpful. Your blog is beautiful keep up the good work!
“Birth is God’s time. It can’t be rushed or programmed to suit anyone’s clock. It is a time to simply be there, respecting the woman’s space and the natural rhythms of her body. Think of how time ceases to have relevance when you are caught up in the presence of God worshipping Him or when you are in love and spending time with your beloved. Time flies by and you barely notice. Birth time is the timing of nature. Who knows when spring will come? Can a budding flower be found open? Yet in time, these things unfold. So does birth. I sometimes suggest to my clients that they visit the ocean and see the rhythm of the waves on the shore. That right there teaches you, deep within, so much about the patterns, rhythms and power of labor.” – Julie Bell
I am pretty sure I found it quoted in The Christian Childbirth Handbook.
I really am encouraged about this…i am a 21 year, first time mom and my husband will be a first time dad and i am very nervous…I really need someone to just encourage me with naturally birth of my first baby. thank you so much…and if you could mail some more encoursging scriptures…that would be great…thank you and God bless
Thank you for posting this. I am having our third baby boy at the end of January…a planned home birth. I have had two natural births before this, but my first was a planned home birth gone bad and my second I was not too sure about my capability to give birth at home. So, here we are trying again for home birth. I am more confident in myself this time and I know with the Lord’s help I can get through it. Thanks for the scriptures. Just wanted to add, we too, have a boy named Titus. Titus Joel is our oldest, he’s 4 now. I think it’s neat to see some one else with his name.
I love your web site!!
What a blessing to have stumbled across this today. I am planning on delivering naturally (due date 9/18) and knew that having scriptures with me would be a great idea, so I googled “scriptures for giving birth” and here you were…not only did I come across some great scriptures – I came across some really strong women in the faith. All your words have been encouraging to me – especially with so many men & women thinking I’m crazy for wanting to go natural. Thank you all and Thank you God for always providing!
Thank you so much for this Blog. It was refreshing to read and very encouraging. I am 40 weeks pregnant today and have never been this pregnat before as I am preparing and believing for a VBA2C. Trying to no allow discouragement to settle in I came across your blog. Some of the scriptures I have already been standing on but the rest along with your explanation/devotional/thoughts really put them in a different light. I will definitely be using this in the next couple of days. Thank you so much for your obedience and example.
Thanks so much for posting this! I am getting ready to deliver our fourth and have been dealing with some anxiety concerning the labor part! Great post!
Thanks so much for this encouragement… My second child is expected to arrive any day now (actually due last Monday, Aug 17) and as we’re attempting a VBAC, I’ve been growing anxious about the labor, delivery, etc with each passing day. Maybe God wanted him to wait so that I’d have time to study these passages first! The verses about patience and trusting the Lord were particularly helpful. Blessings to you and all the other mommas-to-be out there!
Thank you so much for this post. We are expecting our first at the end of September. Not knowing what to expect with labor-the fear does creep in. I loved the verses to refocus my my thoughts.
Lovely post. I’m due with my third in less than two months. I tend to have very easy labors (relatively speaking, of course!), so I’m not feeling fearful, but I still find it so important to prepare spiritually. Thanks for the wonderful references.
Such a great post!! I gave birth to my 2nd little girl three months ago and these verses were encouraging to me during my labor and delivery. Even just meditating and learning to focus your mind on the fact that our bodies fearfully and WONDERFULLY made by our loving heavenly Father with childbirth in mind – it helps so much! I especially love the wording you posted of Philippians 4:6-7 – so perfect.
I had both my girls naturally (ie – vaginally and without epidural), but there was a marked difference between the two births. Mainly that I spent a considerable amount of time during my 2nd pregnancy meditating on how I wanted to give birth, praying for a peaceful delivery and (hinky hippie talk ahead) visualizing that taking place. My 2nd labor was an amazing experience. Even with the pain (and it almost felt more painful than #1 – maybe 8lbs vs 6lbs babies?), I felt positively jubilant afterward. I still do!!
Kristi, what you said is exactly what I want to tell every mom-to-be in the world. You CAN do it! God MADE you to do it! It’s a hard days work, for sure, but, I believe Satan has deceived many women into believing that they are inadequate; that their bodies are faulty in some way and cannot give birth. This isn’t true!! There are cases where we can be so thankful for the advances of western medicine (c-sections, etc), but those should be the exceptions.
Another practical piece of advice…at least I found it helped me: I brought my ipod to the hospital (gasp! I had a peaceful, intervention free hospital birth!! Cannot believe it myself!) and made sure it was programmed with peaceful soothing music. Throughout labor both at home and in the hospital, I was listening to quiet classical guitar with ocean sounds in the background. I found that listening to the sound of waves (on the ipod) and imagining each contraction like a wave, washing up on shore and then dissipating back to sea helped me get through them one by one, instead of worrying about the next one (as I did w/ #1, getting quickly overwhelmed by the thought of so many more to go before the end!).
Best wishes to all you mother-to-be…you’re about to experience an amazing and miraculous gift – whether it’s your 1st baby or 5th!
I am pregnant with our 4th baby. Our last daughter was born at home and we are planning another home birth in January with this one too. I wanted to thank you for this post. It’s been so encouraging. I wish I had prepaired spiritually with my other kids. It was harder then it could have been. I am planning on giving all my fears to the Lord and trusting in His truth.
I wanted to encourage all moms to be out there, that God created our bodies to have babies. No matter the pain, it’s a gift to birth a child. It might seem like you can’t do it naturally, but you TOTALLY can. Prepair as if prepairing for a marathon. It will be the most physically demanding thing you will ever do. Our culture has convinced most women that we don’t know what we are doing when having a baby, but that is so wrong. listen to your body and let it do what our Creator made your bodies to do.
I looked into the Bradley Method yesterday. I’m very interested in trying this method. I’m not pregnant YET, but my husband and I are going to start trying soon. I even contacted an instructor in my neighborhood yesterday who gave me some great tips on when and how to sign up for a class. I told her that I would be calling her as soon as I get pregnant! But I’m sad to say that after discussing the method with some family and co-workers, they all think I’m crazy. I’m sad that women have started to view pregnancy as this painful, horrifying experience that is only worth the end result. I am trying to look at it through the entire journey; being pregnant, labor, and then the end result
I believe there must be a sort of spiritual/calming experience with connecting to your labor and I wish that our society didn’t make labor to be something completely different. But I have my husband on my side, and I guess that’s what truly matters
Anna, my friends that have done Bradley LOVE it and say it’s a great way to learn to work WITH your body during labor.
Thank you! We’re due to give birth to our 1st in about 11 days and I’ve been thinking the last few days of all the nursery preparations and childbirth preparations and house/kitchen preparations we’ve focussed on, and how little time has been spent preparing spiritually. Tomorrow is my last day of work and I plan to use your list as start. Thank you for sharing!
Wow! I cried when I read the title of this post. I’m 9 weeks away from delivering our second via a completely natural VBAC in the local hospital. While my hubby and I have been preparing for this event with Bradley classes, I’m starting to become anxious and slightly fearful. I was just thinking about having a “scripture shower” by inviting some mentor moms over for tea and coffee and to shower me in scripture and prayer and share their birth stories with me. This post could not have come at a better time. Thank you for sharing.
Just wanted to encourage those hoping for a VBAC. It is possible!! I have had two VBACs after my first delivery being a C-section. Both times we set my induction at about 41 weeks. The first VBAC I went into labor three days before my scheduled induction. The second VBAC I went into labor almost two weeks before my scheduled induction. We were praying so much both times that I would go into labor before the scheduled induction and God was so gracious to answer the way He did.
My C-section was about 24 hours after trying to induce (at almost 42 weeks) and the result of my body just not responding fully and my baby girl just not cooperating. Everything went great as far as C-sections go – my baby girl did great and I recovered very quickly. We just really wanted to have as close to a natural child-birth as possible, and a C-section is not it. I did have to be monitored at all times during labor with the VBACs, but the goal for my doctor and the hospital staff was for a successful VBAC and that really helped. I know in some locations/hospitals VBACs are strongly discouraged, so we were very blessed.
Just remember, whether you end up with a C-section or a VBAC, that God is in control, is all knowing and all compassionate.
I will be delivering our first child in 7 weeks. I long to have a natural delivery, but have had much fear and discouragement from others around me. This reminder to surround myself with His promises give me courage that I can do this. Thank you for your words of wisdom.
LOVE that julie bell quote. i’ve never thought about birth being on God’s time, like nature.
thank you for the timely and inspired words~ i’m due in three days!!
Thanks for sharing. We are over the birthing thing. We are now blessed with two boys – 7 and 3. However, I have a nephew arriving in November and have passed along the info to my sister. I really enjoy snooping around your site. Thanks for taking the time to share your heart with us.
Lynita – I am going for a VBAC next week (prayers for sooner)! Please check out ICAN (the International Cesarean Awareness Network website). You will find much support for your VBAC and many other women that have had a VBAC after 2 or more cesareans.
Oops!! I meant to reply to Cairah’s post!
This was a timely post for me as well. I am praying for a VBAC after two c-sections. Do you know of anyone who has attempted this successfully? I am full of concerns. Thank you for those powerful verses.
Just a reader here, but I had 2 VBACs after one C-section. There are very few doctors who will do VBACS here, but mine will as long as he can surely be there (hence the required induction.) I had an amazing doula both times who was able to do things like help me into different positions to get the baby in better position, calm me etc. It is possible. Many blessings to you.
I also am praying about a VBAC after 2 c-sections. Blessings to you.
Cairah, google “VBA2C” or “HBA2C” and you will be amazed at the number of birth stories, videos, and testimonies from mamas who have successfully given birth vaginally after more than one c-section.
I had a successful vaginal birth after two C-sections. I too was full of concerns. My husband was supportive of me wheter I wanted to try a vaginal birth or another cesarean delivery(after all I was the one birthing our child). It is a deeply personal decision. I would make sure that you have quality support and one or two women who will listen to your fears, without judging you. The Lord will give you what strength you need to face your fears and give you the strength you need,regardless of the outcome of your baby’s birth.
I have a little three-month old (and a two year old) and the verse that kept me together this time was Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me
I just kept repeating this in my head as the contractions came (I too did a drug-free birth, my second!) and this really helped.
Great post!
Hi Thank you so much for this post. I am six months pregnant with a baby girl, her name will be Sarah. I am so nervous and scared. Its our first and I am 38 years old. I have written to you before. I follow your post faithfully. As I sit at work with this baby inside of me, my fears run wild of the anticipated birth. I am so worried about the pain it brings me great aniexty. So as you wrote today, I need to take the time to reflect and pray for a safe labor. Thank you again for you message.
Be not afraid… study some scriptures on fear and torment. You are passing all those anxieties along to the baby. And the baby can be very aggitated once she arrives. (excessive colic, sleeplessness, fussy) What you feel, the baby also feels.
You have GREAT peace, and peace that passes ALL understanding… read up on peace as well. And start praying for the baby that she will have great peace.
Thanks Kate for the encouragment to feel peace. It really helps.
Shannon, your comment really touched me. I’m praying for you.
- Shannon
Hi Shannon,
Thank you for your prayers and comment.
Greatly appreciated!
Shannon – I was 33 with my first and experienced incredible fears that reduced me to tears each time I read the information from the hospital about “pain management”. God providentially led me to a Bradley birth instructor who helped me from 32 weeks on. We had a natural birth due to God’s miraculous grace even though I hadn’t spent 9 months preparing. I will pray for you, and please look at Bradley’s book “Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way”. For me, just to see pictures of normal women giving normal birth was SO enlightening and truly eased my fears. Now I’m 37, having my second in Dec. and cannot wait! With prayers for you, Anna Beth
Thank you for this post! We are 5 weeks pregnant with our second child, so I know we have a while before delivery, but, prayerfully, would like to have a natural birth this time. These Scriptures are giving me strength and confidence even now, thank you for sharing them!
I enjoy your blog so much, it is always very interesting and informative. But today you were right on, I am pregnant with my third baby (a girl this time!) and I have really been struggling with integrating my life right now with my spiritual life? I am so looking forward to memorizing these verses, and using them. Thank you.
Thank you so much for this!!! I’m getting ready for an all-natural VBAC in about 9 weeks, and I need all the encouragement (especially spiritual) I can get. I will be printing this out to use! Thanks!!
Audrey, I am also going for an all-natural VBAC – next week! I wish you all the best.
Great post! Thank you
i was JUST thinking of asking you to tea and discussing this with you!! thanks for the post! you rock:D
I personally LOVED Supernatual Childbirth by Jackie Mize.
Talk about perfect timing. Lindsay, I just found your blog within the last week and have thoroughly enjoyed reading the insight you have to share. I am 38 weeks pregnant today with our second (a baby boy) and have been struggling with feeling God’s peace about the delivery until recently. I am going for a vbac which makes things complicated here in Florida, as my care provider must be with me the whole time I labor. In order for him to do so, I have a scheduled induction for 39 weeks. Although I have peace and faith in the care provider I have chosen, I have many thoughts and unrest about being induced. It was an induction with my first (for various medically necessary reasons with a different OB group) that led to an emergency c-section under general anesthesia.
A couple of nights ago, after much meditation and prayer, I have finally been able to give it over to God. I have peace whether I am induced or not, but have hope that God is faithful and can put me into labor well before my “cut-off” date.
This recent post of yours could not have come at a better time. God is doing a great work in you. Thanks!
I just had my first baby, I wish I had read these. I will know next time! These scriptures were very uplifting, and make me praise God even more. I thank Him for blessing me through you!
I’m definitely going to do this. Labor is one of those things that I’ve always wanted to experience, but now that it’s 3 months away…I find myself fearful. Wonderful post! Thank you.
This may seem strange, but your post really encouraged me with all the fears I have in raising 3 teenagers. It has been a long time since giving birth, but every day there seems to be some challenge to face in trying to raise Godly, compassionate, responsible kids. All these verses apply so well to any fears we may be facing. Thank you so much for the post.
Wow, I just gave birth to a little boy last week and was encouraged by many of the same scriptures as I focused on birthing him naturally (at the hospital!). So glad to have across your website, I’ll be back as we’re fairly like-minded.
) Blessings & grace….
Thank you so much for this lovely, encouraging post! I’m set to deliver my third little boy in November, having just delivered my second in January, so I definitely need the encouragement! This post refreshed me and blessed my day. Thanks again!
PS–looking forward to new pictures of your little Titus–they grow so fast, don’t they?